A Lesson on the New Education Policy

        Our supervision session for the academic part of the internship was about the NEP and its effects on foundational learning. I, for one, believe that the NEP was a much needed shift in India’s education system that still relied on traditional ways of schooling. To put it in perspective, my mother and I studied under the same structure of education, which in the modernised world is quite ridiculous to even consider. 

We started off with an overview of the broader changes and the holistic additions made to the curriculum. Thankfully, we had discussions in between to avoid the monotony of educational theory from setting in. Our focus was mainly on the foundational years since that is the age group I Am Wellbeing and Myra Foundation deal with. The curriculum was now more holistic, with an integration of play in learning. Play is an essential component for ensuring the natural cognitive, affective and behavioural development in a child.

We then went on to talk about how these changes would affect the overall learning of a child and how it would change the face of education. We finished off by talking about whether we thought the NEP would be successful and all the care that needs to be taken to ensure that it is successful. While this session was more theoretical than the rest, I feel it was important in terms of understanding the real changes that have been happening in our social structures and how education can play an important role in that.

By Devshri Joshi Intern I Am Wellbeing: Trauma Healing & Prevention


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